"I've been married to my wife for 56 years."
The old man declared to young man sitting next to him.
"She's a real bitch sometimes. But that's okay, because I've got 4 girl friends."
The man sat with his cane by the hospital elevators, waiting and talking. The young man sitting next to him was repeatedly laughing an uneasy laugh of courtesy.
A young mother passed by them with her young child snug in his stroller.
"Sure is a pretty young 'un you got there.
The old man croaked at the passing mother. She smiled politely and glanced with pride as she continued on her way. The man leaned over to his uncomfortable audience.
"If I were twenty years younger, I wouldn't mind having a piece of that."
The man laughed and coughed. He griped his cane with his right hand. He patted his chest with the left. His hands were hardly bones draped with spotted, tissue paper thin skin.
"I put one of my girls through college. That's right. I plucked her out of the back woods, she was a real mess. She was a sexy thing, but she was nothing. And brought her up to the city. You know what she's doing know? She's about to be a doctor."
Another woman stood, waiting on the elevator.
"Boy or girl?" his sweetly egotistical voice probed.
"Don't know yet," she replied.
The elevator opened. The woman stepped in.
He asked again. As if he hadn't heard her. "Boy or girl?"
"I'm not pregnant."
The man paused indignantly.
"She sure did look pregnant."
While making excuses and placing the blame elsewhere, the young man spoke up.
"My father's a preacher, you know?"
"Is that right? Now could he really preach?"
"Oh yeah. He knew the word."
"I like a good preacher. A man that knows the word. But some of them fuckers can bore the hell out of ya.
Another woman passed. A gorgeous woman. Tall, slender, ebony.
Under his breath, "Look at her. I'd like to fuck that. She knows what she's got too. That's why she's wearing those clothes."
The young man agreed. The old man prattled.
"You know those women just love that sixty-nine. They just eat that shit up. They just love it when you lick pussy. They really just love that sixty-nine."
A man across the room got up to answer his cell phone. He was subtle and polite but his discomfort was apparent and his look of relief was unmistakable.
The young man just sat and listened like a doll with a bobble head. And the man continued...